Beggars Bush: A Perambulation through the Disciplines of History, Geography, Archaeology, Literature, Philology, Natural History, Botany, Biography & Beggary

Frome Oldford & Berkley Somerset Beggers bushe 1635

The Frome Oldford and Berkley sites are either side of a crossroads at the top of Oldford Hill, on the margin of the north common field.

An Indenture dated 10th September 1635 of church lands leased to Richard Treasure, includes “. . . and also other three acres of the said ten acres doe lye in another feild of Frome Selwood aforesaid called the Northfeild that is to say one acre of the said three acres doth lye nere Beggers bushe the way leading to Bartley on the Northside thereof and the land of Sr Thomas Thynne knight in the tenure of William Johnsons on the Southside thereof  . . “.
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